Mixed Media Art, ages 5-8

Mixed Media Art, ages 5-8


In this art class, children have fun working with a variety of arts & crafts materials, and develop an understanding of the fundamentals of art. Teachers will do step-by-step demos. Students are encouraged to develop fine motor skills, confidence, and independence in their art-making.

Mixed media means projects will cover a variety of materials:

  • mostly drawing & painting

  • at least 1 air-dry clay project per term

If you’re looking for ONLY drawing & painting, check out Drawing & Painting. If you’re looking for ONLY drawing with pencils, try Sketching.

Supplies to bring:

  • pencil, eraser and sharpener

  • wear mess-friendly clothing


All prices are subject to GST, and a non-refundable 3% registration fee.


Register on Amilia >>


Student work from past classes

Foam animals!

Portrait sculptures (with pizza)

Pumpkins for fall!

Kids stamping fall landscapes!

Kids stamping art